Welcome to the
individual Role Engagement Alignment Profile™ (iREAP™).
Where are you situated in your career right now? Are you at the peak? Or do you feel your career has plateaued and you have lost your spark?
Often being successful in your career is all about making the right career moves at the right time.
So right now - should you stay in your current job, move or go?
Want some help in making a decision?
The iREAP™ profile is designed to support you to have an enriched career and make informed decisions whether to stay and grow in your current role, move to a different role in your organisation or exit to pursue better opportunities elsewhere.
Your unique profile is created by looking at two different elements:
- How aligned your motivations are to the work required in your current role.
- How engaged and committed you are to your current organisation.
Reap the rewards of engagement and start your free trial now of the iREAP™ profile*.
*NOTE: This free trial is intended to provide an insight only into how engaged you might be in your role. It should not be relied on soley for career decision-making. The complete validated version of the iREAP™ profile is available for purchase.