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The iREAP™ Employee Engagement Profile


iREAP™ aligns people, careers and workplace performance.


The individual Role Engagement Alignment Profile™ (iREAP™) is a unique employee engagement profiling system that has been developed specifically for improved self-awareness, to focus responsibility around engagement and for more effective conversations to take place.  


iREAP™ can be used for talent management, leadership development, career development and for individuals to pro-actively prepare for their performance review and development planning discussion.


The iREAP™ helps:


  • Individuals to become more self-aware about what is most important to them and what is needed for them to be more engaged in their work. 
  • Coaches and Managers to have constructive and meaningful conversations with their people about engagement, ideas they may have to contribute to the organisation’s success and how they wish to progress their careers.
  • Organisations to measure engagement at the team and group level and identify priority areas. It is also a valid measurement tool for talent risk.


iREAP™ provides a confidential report that identifies for an individual the following dimensions:


  • What their motivating drivers (needs) are.
  • The extent to which their motivations are being satisfied in their current role.
  • Gaps between what they need from their work, and what they are experiencing in their current role (alignment).
  • Current engagement risks and opportunities for them.
  • Development strategies that can increase and sustain their engagement levels.
  • Action plan
  • A framework to have a career and engagement conversation with their manager.


Interested in looking at some sample reports?


Click here for a sample iREAP Summary Report and sample iREAP™ Full Report.



Want to find out more about iREAP™? Call us on 1300 865 790 or +61 408 608 889
or enquire by email.